The  language of existence has been deciphered
by an unprecedented 35 year research project.

Accomplishing over 100 things
that have never before been achieved.
Don't miss what God has revealed, including the proof of his existence. God is the revealer of truth. It is he that directed our company in pursuit of a powerful content of information that people need for their every day lives, that is now available in 4 manuscripts, which correlate with life's 4 dimensions. Find all that has been missing in life & Christianity, and what you expected to happen in your individual life, but never did.

1. Filling gaps in knowledge, as old truth takes on new meaning.

2. Presenting the accurate and complete picture of our existence.

3. Showing how everything works.

4. The Gate to enter and method to navigate the unseen world.

5. Identifying "the construct" that we formerly accepted as life.

6. Revealing the irrefutable proof of God's existence.

7. The interface with God & the world as he created it to be lived.

8. Codifying, categorizing, and explaining dynamics & behavior.

9. Empowering us to become and accomplish what we are here for.

10. Discovery of a new frontier that humans have been looking for.

11. A new domain: a body of knowledge that replaces the former.

12. Integrating all pertinent life and spiritual truth--in a new way.

13. Resolving mysteries and conundrums thought unknowable.

14. Solving our problems in life and the Christian life.

15. How to find your path, purpose, progression, & personal sync.

16. Seeing the elements that comprise your identity & behavior.

17. The map to life, and Christianity, that was formerly uncharted.

The list goes on...

The Game