This similates what we found in the initial years of our search: over a million pieces that comprised the World

of Intangible Dynamics where we have control over our lives.

This is what we first found when we b


As time progressed, God revealed the pieces of this puzzle to us and how it fit together, which collectively comprises the invisible content of existence--where our lives began and were meant to continue.

For the past 35 years we have been conducting a research project entitled: Existence Revealed. You have heard of The Human Genome Project: the mapping out of all genes; cure cancer, leukemia, muscular dystrophy? Similar to this, we have mapped out the world of pertinent intangible concepts. That means if you can't see it and it's important, we can show you: where its at, what its comprised of, how it works, and how to manipulate it and implement it into your life. God enabled us to fill in the gaps in old truth has taken on new our existence is revealed as never before realized. In a totally new and phenomenal understanding of what life is about, which aligns perfectly with existing literature, scripture, and the life of Christ--as the obvious profound truth that has the power to transform one's world; providing a new domain (a new body of knowledge that replaces the former, which provides a clearer understanding. in this case: of life and how it works). The findings of our project have accomplished a hundred huge historic achievements, such as the discovery of a new frontier. What is huge about that? Suppose you wanted to go to a foreign country that offered everything you desired, all that was absent. Wouldn't it be helpful if someone supplied you with maps, tour books, and guide service, and once there, you found the place and life you had dreamed? Well, that is what we do. We are like the "Triple A" to life, and the outfitter and guide for your travels. Yet its your journey! What I can tell you is: that the adventure with all its mystery, intrigue, and discovery of true wealth which exists--is what provides the excitement and fulfillment in life. Imagine finding something that no one else knows. That has been an every day occurrence for us, here, at the Institute for Existence (want to enroll?). We invite you to pioneer this pristine territory and mysterious wilderness for yourself.

Just as explorers were once sent out to discover the physical world and what it was comprised of, and bring back a true picture and map, so we have done with the intangible world that is even more important in regards to life and Christianity.